In Order To Lay A Solid Foundation, You Must Start With A Solid Plan!

At Structured Financial, our goal is to provide a complete and comprehensive financial plan. It is our desire that by reviewing your financial picture, along with your personal life goals and objectives, we will be able to provide a sensible, easy-to-understand plan you can follow.

Financial Planning Services

You decide to take a road trip, but are unsure of which route to take. Without a map and a plan, it is highly unlikely you will reach your destination. The same can be said for your financial future. Comprehensive planning shouldn’t be complex and so confusing with its volumes of information and verbiage that you can’t understand what it all means. Or worse, you become so frustrated with the complexity of the process that you neglect following the path it takes to achieve success.

Whether you are young and early in your career paying off debt and starting to save for your future, preparing for retirement, or planning the legacy you want to leave to your family and friends, we can develop a plan that helps you achieve those goals. 

Don’t let your past keep you from having a great future. Everyone experiences financial missteps at some point; there is no shame in that. Welcome to the human race. We are not here to judge the mistakes of the past, but rather to help you learn from them and put you on a path to success using a system that has worked well for many others over the years. 

Here’s What We Do

Step 1) Meet and get to know each other
Step 2) Gather data and facts about you, your family, and your finances
Step 3) Structured Financial will develop a personal and customized plan
Step 4) Connect together to review your plan
Step 5) Start implementing your plan
Step 6) Connect 1-3 times annually to review your plan and make possible tweaks/changes

Services Included in a Financial Plan

• Debt review and payoff plan
• Budget creation, review, recommendations, and tracking
• Assessment of Estate Planning
• Review of different Insurance and a personalized needs assessment
• Review of retirement account contributions, their investments, and recommendations

We Are Always Looking for Bright Talent!

Are you interested in finding out how to be a part of Structured Financial? Please fill out the contact form below. We are always looking for the right people, which also includes financial professionals from all backgrounds who want to partner with us on this journey.

Our goal is to be transparent in all we do.

Structured Financial is an independent financial services company dedicated to helping our clients not only meet their financial goals, but to thrive in their everyday lives and into their retirement years.

  • We Are a Fully Recognized Fiduciary

  • It Is Our Desire to Help Educate All of Our Clients

  • Our Goal Is to Be Transparent on ALL FEES

Get in touch today

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Independent Financial Services

Structured Financial is an independent financial services company dedicated to helping our clients not only meet their financial goals but thrive in their everyday lives and into their retirement years.

Nickolas Moes | Chief Executive Officer and Founder


Direct Line: (682) 557-9603
Home Office: (855) 4TO-SAVE

330 Morrison Park Dr, Ste 100
Southlake, TX 76092

Email: [email protected]
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